A Pop-up Pop Culture Web Site

My name is Mark Haven Britt and cooked this up. I’m super passionate about comics, art and stories. I dig The Ringer and it’d be dreamy to work there or some place similar. I thought it’d be really cool to have a similar site except featuring all my wildly talented friends. So I said “fuck it. Imma do it.” I can make a daily website a short time and the NBA playoffs are coming up so I figure that’s a nice enough window.

During the NBA Playoffs, April 15th-June 18th, a group of creatives make this site, DIMES+DAGGERS. We post daily about: the NBA, comic books, TV, and pop culture. We are making a website for emerging writers and artists to flex their skills and build their following outside of social network constraints. This is a pop-up pop culture site.

To be clear, this is a passion project. A baseline win is that this is super fun and we have a place to bring people together that folks can proudly show their grandmama. A next level win would be that we have so much fun we want to do it next year. The HUGE WIN would be that one or two of the creators featured here get famous and get a book deal. “Ten years ago these nice fools published me on Dimes & Daggers. It got people’s attention. Now, when I’m not creating whatever the fuck I want, I swim in money like Scrooge McDuck.” Like that’s my fucking DREAM, fam.

We have a small team right now but we’re definitley looking for more. Real talk, I’d prefer to be kinda invisible here and support other voices. This is gonna be super fun. POC, queers, and weirdos are strongly encouraged to get in touch about contributing. Join us! It’s gonna be real fun.