✅Ice Cold Takes✅

As the great Stringer Bell said, “We back up.” Your favorite pop-up pop culture site is back for another deep run. We all have other jobs and do not have time for this site and yet here we are, fam. I’m Mark Haven Britt and run Dimes. I’ll be ✅ing in on things from time to time. Chris and Andrew are back with some new faces in the mix. So stoked for this. I’m watching this Bulls/Hawks game (what a strange one) after a fun Heat/Sixers game (RIP Playoff Jimmy) and have a stack of comics to read tonight (which you know from the IG feed.) You reading anything good?

What makes this site different? We feature emerging creators. Our curation is distinct and evergreen. We help you discover new comics, whether they were published last week or a decade ago. We don’t do many hot takes. We kinda do the opposite. We like to wait a minute and digest what’s going on. No hot takes here. Thoughtful reflection with some funny. AKA Ice Cold Takes. You can read more about our mission here.

Do you want to be Bill Simmons? Want to run sports/pop culture site some day? Reach out. Writers are great, but I am definitely looking for someone to partner with on this. Hit me up.

Keep tuning in. We’ve got great stuff planned.


Chet Holgrem, Cheeseburgers, & The NBA Playoffs…


Daredevil, Man without Fear of Wokeness